Walnut with the scientific name Juglans and belongs to the family of rushes. Walnut is a tree with a single stem and leaves composed of large and odd leaflets.


The walnut tree is sensitive to excessive heat and cold. Walnut can withstand the cold of -11°C without serious damage, but after the growth starts, the cold of -2 to -3°C causes the leaves to die. , branches and flowers, and as a result, we will have a decrease in yield.


After digging the hole, he enriched the soil with various chemical and animal fertilizers.


Irrigation is necessary for walnut trees in areas with little rain. As a result of dehydration, the yield will decrease and the quality of the fruit will decrease. And excessive watering will also cause slow growth and crown and root diseases. The amount of irrigation depends on mulch, soil management system, soil type, tree age, number of trees and amount of rainfall.

Fertilization and nutrition

The best period of time to fertilize the walnut tree is from early spring to early spring to early autumn, and it is not recommended to fertilize in the second half of the year, especially in the cold season. Fertilizing at the time of emergence of buds burns the bud.

In the early years of walnut seedling growth, 55 kg/ha of n-p-k 15-15-15 fertilizer is needed.

In the following years, when the walnut tree reaches maturity, twice a year in the middle of spring before the weather warms up and when the weather warms up before the buds grow per hectare:

600 kg of ammonium sulfate
450 kg of phosphorus pentaoxide
220 kg of potassium sulfate
Note: 1- Fertilizer should not be poured on the tree

2- Fertilizer should not be in direct contact with the tree roots, because it causes the roots to burn

The best method of fertilizing a walnut tree is surface fertilization. In such a way that a shallow hole is dug in the shade area of ​​the tree and the fertilizer is poured into the hole, and by irrigation, the required minerals go to the root development area in the form of a solution.


This element is effective in the enzymatic reactions of the tree. This element is not absorbed in soil with low pH. The best method of fertilizing walnut trees to treat this deficiency is magnesium sulfate spraying. One of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency is the yellowing of the tips and margins of the lower leaves of the tree. When the branches of the tree have grown enough, you can fully see the symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

of you

Nitrogen will produce more chlorophyll in the tree and increase the growth and fruiting of the tree. Also, receiving enough nitrogen reduces the incidence of diseases in walnut trees. Nitrogen plays an important role in the formation of amino acids that make up the protein structure. If the walnut tree suffers from nitrogen deficiency, usually its branches and leaves, especially the old leaves, turn yellow and pale. The leaves have shrunk and in addition to that, walnut tree products have also faced a serious decline and the number of fruits is less, with smaller nuts.


Manganese restores nitrates and increases the rate of tree germination in the spring and is an essential factor in the production of more chlorophyll. The most important symptoms of manganese deficiency appear in the warm season. Yellow spots are formed between the veins of the leaves and gradually move to the edges of the leaves and cause the leaves to fall. The best treatment is to use manganese sulfate foliar spray.


Phosphorus increases the energy of trees and plays a different role in the process of photosynthesis. Super phosphate is used to fertilize walnut trees in winter. This fertilizer increases the quality of the fruit of young trees. One of the most important symptoms of phosphorus deficiency is the weak growth of the tree, the shrinking of the leaves and the decrease in the density of the foliage.


Potassium causes better growth of seedlings in the early years and increases resistance to drought and walnut tree diseases. The lack of potassium in the leaves starts with the paleness of the leaves and gradually their edges turn upwards and twist. In more severe cases, the color of the underside of the leaf is close to gray. The more severe this deficiency is, the more severe the symptoms are, in more severe cases, the leaves shrink and their edges and tips become burnt.


Zinc plays an important role in increasing the fertility of the walnut tree and causes more vegetable protein production. Zinc strengthens the photosynthetic process of the walnut tree. Zinc deficiency leads to a decrease in the number of plant leaves. Its visible signs appear in the growing season. The initial symptoms begin with the formation of bright green spots on the leaves. It gradually affects the opening of buds and delays them. The color of new buds will also turn yellow and their size will be smaller. In more severe cases, the tips of the branches and the branches of the upper part of the crown of the tree dry up, and the size of the fruit also becomes smaller.


This substance causes better color acceptability of fruits and has a significant effect on the aroma and taste of walnuts. This material, along with other proteins, plays an important role in photosynthesis. Copper deficiency starts with the formation of dead spots on the leaves and continues with yellowing and early falling of the leaves. Smaller dark brown spots can be seen around the tree


It is generally used for photosynthesis and the transfer of plant sap such as sugar, protein and enzymes in the tree. This element, along with other elements, plays a vital role in tree organs. This substance can also prevent root decay to some extent. If the amount of fruit in the tree is low, unusual leaves will appear in the tree. If the lack of this element is severe, the branches of the tree become abnormal and weak. The interveins of the tree become short and yellow, and the tips of the branches become brittle and the leaves of the tree become small. At this stage, the walnut tree loses its appearance and its fruiting stops completely.


Iron is the process of chlorophyll synthesis and another effective element in the production of iron chlorophyll. This compound is found more in enzymes and proteins and helps the tree to breathe. The lack of iron in the walnut tree causes the veins of the tree to turn yellow in the beginning of the growing season. If the deficiency is severe, the leaves will turn white.

Among the fertilizers that are produced in Yadnegar Structures Company (Cinco) and can be used for walnuts.

Potassium acetate, zinc acetate, magnesium acetate, zinc sulfate, magnesium sulfate, urea phosphate, potassium sulfate, copper sulfate, copper acetate, humic acid, granulated zinc organic fertilizer, complete organic fertilizer and considering that it has micronutrients. They are complete NPK fertilizers.Usually trees need iron to breathe. Also using

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