Plants, including sugar beet, absorb the elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium and magnesium, as well as the low-use elements they need through the soil. In order to provide optimal nutrition and achieve the highest quantitative and qualitative yield, in addition to providing other factors effective in growth, some high-use elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sometimes sulfur, and low-use elements zinc, boron, and sometimes iron and manganese. should be added to the soil. Deficiency or excessive use of any of the above elements can significantly reduce product performance. In the beet cultivation areas of Iran, the lack and failure to observe the optimal time of consumption of the required nutrients causes a decrease in the quantitative and qualitative yield, and often in connection with nitrogen, excessive use of fertilizer causes a decrease in the qualitative yield in sugar beet.

Nutrient requirement of beet based on soil test in different climates

The purpose of using fertilizer in sugar beet is to increase yield and high percentage of extractable sugar. Of course, fertilization is one of the most important and effective factors on the growth of sugar beet, but the amount of sugar depends on other major factors such as the type and variety of sugar beet, the amount of moisture available to the plant during the growth period, and the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, the climate of the region, plant density, and farm management. And it depends on the storage of nutrients in the soil.

Fertilizer recommendation is based on soil test and production capacity. In this way, the questions of “what type of fertilizer” and “how much” can be practically answered. To recommend fertilizer based on soil test, it is necessary to first take samples from the soil and water of the desired field according to the instructions of the Soil and Water Research Institute, and according to the results of soil and water analysis in the laboratory, estimate the production capacity and capacity and then the amount of nutrients The requirement is determined.


Nitrogen management is one of the important management strategies to achieve high quality and quantity performance in sugar beet and in the sugar beet fertilization process. Also, most of the research done in relation to sugar beet nutrition and lack of nutrients in sugar beet is dedicated to nitrogen element and especially determining its amount. Until now, various methods have been investigated to estimate the nitrogen requirement of sugar beet, including soil analysis, plant analysis, and the use of chlorophyll meters. The soil decomposition method is more efficient than the plant decomposition method or other methods and is still used more today. Therefore, soil sampling and testing is very useful and beneficial for determining the amount of fertilizer required by crops in the agricultural sector. Also, the value of soil testing directly depends on how the representative sample is selected, the quality of sampling, and the preparation of the soil sample.

Nitrogen and its role

Nitrogen is part of the most important molecules of organic substances, amino acids, nucleic acids and proteins, and the metabolism and the life of the plant in general depends on it. Also, the production and activity of various enzymes, which are all protein substances, as well as plant pigments, especially green, depend on nitrogen.

Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency

If the soil is poor in terms of nitrogen, the nitrogen deficiency starts when the first real leaves appear, and after that other leaves also start to turn yellow. Because the element nitrogen is one of the main elements that make up the green composition (chlorophyll) in the leaves and the reduction of this element causes a decrease in the amount of green in the plant, so the first signs of the lack of this element in the plant are the yellow color and the complexity of the leaves. It should be noted that due to the mobility of nitrogen in the plant, young leaves absorb the nitrogen present in old leaves with greater ability. Therefore, the yellow color starts from the old leaves and if the deficiency continues, then the young leaves will also turn yellow. Among other signs of nitrogen deficiency, we can mention the narrowing of the width and the length of the petiole and the leaves remaining small and narrow with a light green color. Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency are similar to some symptoms of rhizomania or soil compaction.

I suggest you read the chemical fertilizers article!


Phosphorus and its role

Phosphorus is a component of nucleic acids, phospholipids, some auxiliary enzymes, (NAD, NADP), phosphorus-containing sugars, and most importantly, ATP and similar substances such as guanine triphosphate (GTP), uridine triphosphate (UTP) and cytidine triphosphate. (CTP) These compounds enable energy transfer in the plant.

Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency

Phosphorus deficiency symptoms are very low in mature sugar beet plants, and deficiency symptoms appear only when the absorbable phosphorus concentration in the soil is greatly reduced. One of the characteristic signs of phosphorus deficiency is the darkening of the color of the leaves and the rotting of the whole plant. Another symptom of phosphorus deficiency in sugar beet is the purple coloring of the margin and then the whole leaf, and eventually the leaves will turn brown and die. The delay in root growth and the formation of a mass of secondary woody roots are other symptoms of phosphorus deficiency. Dark green color in the leaves is another sign of phosphorus deficiency in these plants.


The role of potassium

Potassium is the most important cation in terms of the amount and importance of the physiological role in plants. The main role of potassium is to activate various enzymes, the number of which reaches more than 60 compounds. This element is effective in accelerating the transfer of light-induced substances from leaves to other organs. Potassium also has a great effect on increasing the quality of the product and the efficiency of consumption of other nutrients. This element is known as qualitative element in crops. Potassium plays a very important role in the root quality (sugar percentage) of sugar beet. Among the cations that beet sugar also absorbs, potassium has the highest amount. from the other The roles of potassium are:

Potassium increases resistance to pests, diseases, drought and frost.
Potassium has a direct and non-linear relationship with the percentage of sugar in the root.
Potassium together with sodium are two important cations in sugar beet nutrition and to achieve maximum yield.
Symptoms of potassium deficiency

The symptoms of potassium deficiency can be seen on sugar beet leaves as well as the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency. It can be said that due to the lack of potassium in sugar beet, the edges of the leaves turn pale olive green and then the veins become colorless. After that, all the leaves turn dark and pale brown, and pea-colored spots appear on them in the form of small clusters.


The role of sulfur

Sulfur plays its role in protein or polypeptides by forming disulfide bonds between polypeptide chains. The first amino acid derived from sulfate is cysteine. Cysteine ​​is also converted to other sulfur-containing amino acids. Sulfur is part of the structure of lipoic acid and vitamins biotin and thiamine. These substances play a very important role in plant physiology.

Symptoms of sulfur deficiency

The symptoms of sulfur deficiency in sugar beet cultivation are similar to the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency in the form of yellowing of the leaves, with the difference that in the early stages of nitrogen deficiency, the older leaves turn yellow and the central young leaves remain green. While in sulfur deficiency there is general yellowing and young and old leaves turn yellow at the same time. In severe deficiency, irregular brown spots appear on the leaf and petiole.

Insufficient or micronutrient elements

So far, in relation to the consumption of nutrients required by plants, attention has been paid to the most consumed elements, including nitrogen, phosphorus and to some extent potassium. Many factors play a role in how micronutrient elements affect the quality and quantity of sugar beet or any other product, which should be given sufficient attention. Among these factors, the following can be mentioned.

The characteristics of the soil, which include the concentration of the desired element in the soil, soil pH, texture, the presence of carbonates, the amount of organic matter, the concentration of other low-use and high-use elements (their interaction) and some other characteristics that ultimately determine The amount and method of consumption and the type of fertilizer source.
Attention to the physiological growth stage of the plant when consuming
Paying attention to the time of daily use
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The role of boron in plants includes the following.

Creating a balance between sugar and starch
Transfer of sugar and carbohydrates
Its role in pollination and seed production
Its role in cell division, nitrogen metabolism and protein and cell wall formation.
Its role in the cell membrane and the transfer of potassium to the guard cells to control the water balance between the cells
Boron deficiency symptoms

One of the most important elements required is sugar beet. Boron deficiency in sugar beet causes a sharp decrease in root quality in sugar beet. As a result of boron deficiency, not only visible signs appear on the leaves, but also on the crown, central plant and petiole in the form of rot.

Loss of the central and middle buds of the plant, disruption of pollination are other symptoms of the lack of this element in sugar beet.


The role of iron

Iron is involved in plant structure, energy transfer inside the plant, in the composition of proteins and enzymes, as well as in plant respiration and metabolism.

Symptoms of iron deficiency

As a result of lack of iron, at the beginning of paleness in the form of spots and with the worsening of the lack of this element, the spots are connected and finally the veins remain green and the yellowness covers the middle of the veins. The signs of iron deficiency in the field are in the form of spots, and this type of symptoms appear more in uneven sandy and limestone soils.

Chlorosis in the leaves, pale color between the veins, spots of dead tissue on the leaves are other signs of this element deficiency.


The role of

Generally, the role of zinc in some enzymes is the same as that of manganese and magnesium and is not specific. But it is specific for many enzymes, especially carbonic anhydrase and several other enzymes. This enzyme plays a role in preventing pH change and thus protecting chloroplast components. Zinc plays a very important role in nitrogen metabolism, and indirectly in protein production. Normally, zinc plays an indirect role in plant growth and sugar beet nutrition.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency causes the appearance of pale spots in the leaf blade of sugar beet, which will become dead and dry as the deficiency continues and worsens (initially green and finally the tissue becomes dead). The appearance of sunken white spots on the upper surface of the leaves and between the veins, which later turn brown, and the separation of the leaves from the plant are other signs of zinc deficiency in the plant.


The role of manganese

Manganese plays a role in the assimilation of carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis, help in the absorption and formation of riboflavin, the production of nitrates, ascorbic acid and carotene, electron transfer in the process of photosynthesis, as well as the activation of lipid enzymes. is also in charge.

Symptoms of manganese deficiency

Due to the lack of manganese, sugar beet leaves grow vertically and become inside the tube. The leaves also have angular colored spots. Other signs of manganese deficiency include yellow spots on the outer leaves.

Calcium, magnesium, copper, molybdenum and potassium can be mentioned among other minerals required by the sugar beet plant. It should be noted that the lack of calcium causes burns on the tips of the leaves and the folding of the bases of the leaves, and the lack of magnesium causes the appearance of small pale yellow spots on the edges of the leaves, lemon yellow spots between the veins, the edges of the leaves The face becomes wrinkled and striated. Also, the decrease in the required level of molybdenum in this plant causes the leaf area to decrease and the surrounding leaves to gather upwards and become spoon-shaped, and the lack of copper causes the presence of grayish-brown dead tissue parts in old leaves. Finally, it should be noted that the lack of potassium causes the appearance of white, yellowish or bright spots on the edges and tips of the leaves and burns in the form of brown spots.

Among the fertilizers that are produced in Yadnegar Structures Company (Cinco) and can be used for sugar beet, we can mention complete fertilizers, NPK fertilizers, liquid sulfur and zinc sulfate.

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